
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Use Firefox Over Explorer

If you are someone who operates an online business, conducts research using the Internet, utilizes email, or simply reads about current affairs online and you do any of this using the Internet Explorer browser from Microsoft -- you are not only corrupting your computer, but you are missing out on several major features.

Here are 10 Reasons Why You Should Be Using the Firefox Browser over Explorer:

1. Faster Browsing
Have you ever felt compelled to knock your monitor off your desk, due in large part to the time it takes to load the Internet Explorer browser? Firefox has a powerful cache system that stores sites that you visit frequently, so that the next time you want to see that site again, it loads faster in Firefox.

2. Plugin Support
One of the best features, especially for Internet marketers, is the plugin support for Firefox. You can download an install plugins right from your browser and customize it to fit your needs. One of the best plugins for marketers is the SEO plugin for Firefox.

3. Security
This should be #1 overall, since security is a major concern online - but how good is security if you can't browse fast enough to even think about it. Firefox will warn a user when a risk is evident and will even stop you from visiting known hacker, spyware and virus sites -- so your computer stays healthier, longer.

4. Download Manager
Firefox allows you to control your download files in one pop up interface. You can pause a download, remove a download, come back and download the file at a later time. And you you notified of the size and location of the download when it is complete. Since Firefox is half the size of the massive Internet Explorer, download times are cut in half.

5. Page Info
No matter what page you are viewing in Firefox, you can always "right-click' anywhere and the Page Info box will open up, which provides the viewers general information, media that can be found on the page, permissions and page security (in a tabbed format).

6. Blocking Images
You've undoubtedly viewed a site in the past that was full of pictures, advertisements or images that really distracted you from obtaining the result you were looking for. In Firefox, you can disable all images by simply "right-clicking" on an image and select the option to block all images on that page.

7. Open Source
Firefox is an open-source project by Mozilla. This is an advantage because literally thousands of independent programmers can work on building Firefox and troubleshoot and repair any foreseen security issues the browser may experience, before they even happen.

8. Password Manager
Firefox has a password manager built into the browser so that you may easily store usernames, email addresses and passwords for your favorite sites. If you ever forget what your username or password is, Firefox allows you to easily access the information in their security tab. You can also delete one, or remove all passwords with one click of a button.

9. Restore Previous Session
Has your browser ever crashed at the wrong possible time and you had to go back and try to redo what just got undone? Firefox comes with the 'Restore Session' feature, so even if your browser abruptly shuts down, when you enable Firefox again, you will be given a choice to restore previous session, or start a new session.

10. It's Not Microsoft!
How many times over the years have you heard, or heard of Internet Explorer warning of 'security threats'? And how many times did you hear about Firefox on the evening news during the same period? Exactly.

Hands down, I recommend everyone who is currently using the Explorer browser to switch to Mozillas Firefox browser. It's safer, it's faster and comes with many more usable features that don't clutter our tool bars.

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